
Thursday, March 31, 2011

To live life you have to learn to love, because in order to live life you have to learn to love life first...Just My 2 Cents!

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Location:My thoughts...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


"Today", I really don't care for you at this moment...because before I really liked "Yesterday" a lot because I didn't care for what "Tomorrow" would bring & hated when you "Today" will come, because that meant "Tomorrow" will be here soon.  Now that "Tomorrow" came & now its "Yesterday", I look forward to when you "Today" becomes "Yesterday"...because then that means "Tomorrow" is near.  So at this moment, I don't care for you "Today" & I skip for joy when you become "Yesterday" & I look forward to "Tomorrow."  So "Today" don't feel bad, I just want "Tomorrow" to keep coming so that it can become "Yesterday" & I will like you "Today" when it means "Tomorrow" brings the day of my husband coming home to his family.  So "Today" when that day comes, I will so love you & celebrate you, but as of now, no hard feelings, okay...I just needed "Tomorrow" to become "Yesterday."


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Movie Review

Okay, I know I haven't blogged again for awhile but I want to blog on a movie that I just watched. It is called "BURLESQUE" I know that Christina Aguilera has been in the media for stumbling on words for the "STAR SPANGLE BANNER" & for stumbling on one of the award shows. But she did good on stumbling on getting a role for this movie. Her voice is spectacular & I am so in awe of her. I can sing but man I wish I had a set of pipes like her. I would love to go so deep & just belt it out. I don't care how much the media is going to bash her for how she lives or looks...but people come on...she has talent & before she was nothing until you heard her sing & now she is famous. Instead of focusing on her life, focus on her gift & how she can sing.

Put it this way, if it was me know one would care if I stumbled on anything, but because she stumbled it is a big thing, she is human just like the rest of us & she can get up & brush it off & continue to live on...This movie has done her justice on all the media bashing that has been giving to her...her voice is just awesome & that is "JUST MY TWO CENTS!"

Thursday, March 10, 2011

I'm back

I realize that I have neglected my blog. My husband has just left for deployment & we were spending every minute together as a family. It is crazy how you squeeze every second when you know you have so little time together as a family & you just try & do everything you wanted to do together but never did because you think you have all the time in the world to do it. It is crazy how they say time is of the essence & when time comes an issue you realize it is so true. I don't regret not being at my blog because I wouldn't have the time I had with my husband & my girls. Maybe you don't understand & maybe you do but time was something I had that was precious & I don't know what time will bring my family & when time will let us be together again as a family & with that is JUST MY 2 CENTS!!!