Hi and welcome to my blog! This is where I give Just My 2 Cents to things that are on my mind or on my chest. If you have things that you want me to research or discuss about. Please feel free to send me a message at tamitye@gmail.com. I will give Just My 2 Cents! Have a nice day & enjoy your reading!
Monday, August 30, 2010
My Daughter turns 17...
On August 28, 1993 at the age of 18, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. On that day, I never really knew how much a person can love another & that day, I felt a gush of love for this little girl that I just pushed out of me & was covered in gunk & all. I never quite understand how one person could just love right there & then. She has given me so much blessing, also with tons of headaches...LOL! But, I love my daughter so much & on the 28th she turned 17. That is why I didn't blog in the last 2 days. I was cherishing the time of her birthday & also reflecting the last 17yrs of her life & just remembering. I know we all wish that our children can just be children & stay that way. But, that day I realize that she is a young woman ready to embark on her life & that I have to cherish what time I have with her before she moves out of my home & starts her new adventure. I am not ready, but when the time comes I have to be, regardless if I don't like it at all & that’s Just My 2 Cents!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Fun Follow Friday: August 27
Welcome to Fun Follow Friday hosted by Simply Stacie and My Wee View. The goal of this hop is to get new Google Friend Connect Followers for your blog and be introduced to new blogs to follow! We wanted to keep it fun and easy so all you have to do is add your blog link and start blog hopping and following away! You aren’t required to write a post for your blog for Fun Follow Friday unless you want to (but we really appreciate it if you do – to help get the word out).
When you visit a blog that you like and want to follow, leave them a comment with your link telling them you are following from the Fun Follow Friday. Of course, we would love for you to follow both hostesses blogs, Simply Stacie and My Wee View, but it isn’t mandatory. If you do follow us, just leave us a comment and we will follow you back.
The main goal is to have fun and follow the blogs that interest you!
There are a few fun things that Fun Follow Fridays does each week:
1. Each week 1 winner will be randomly drawn for the #3 Spot, this week it’s #93 A Mom After Gods Own Heart.
2. Each week 1 winner will get Premium ad space for 1 week on both Simply Stacie and My Wee View. To enter, you have to blog about Fun Follow Friday! This week’s winner is Fabulous Finds by Nimblergrove. (You can still participate in Fun Follow Friday without making a blog post about it. However, to participate in this special giveaway, you need to write a post about it)
Monday, August 23, 2010
Fit for Fall: Tazzini Giveaway
Tazzini is a reusable water bottle perfect for people who are on the go. It’s made of stainless steel and is good for hot or cold beverages. It also has a leak proof lid thanks to its patented lid design so there will be no spills when the lid is closed.
Some unique features of Tazzini include:
Leak-proof lid
Tazzini is a reusable water bottle perfect for people who are on the go. It’s made of stainless steel and is good for hot or cold beverages. It also has a leak proof lid thanks to its patented lid design so there will be no spills when the lid is closed.
Some unique features of Tazzini include:
Easy to open & close
Comfortable drinking spout
Non-leaching, non-toxic, BPA-free
Reusable & Recyclable
Safe Alternative to Plastic & Aluminum
Wide Mouth & Easy to Clean
Slim …Easy to Carry & Fits Cup Holders
Durable & Lightweight
Generously sized 730 ml / 24.7 oz
They retail for $17.95 and can be purchased online or find a store near you.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
My First Giveaway...
Okay, for those who are following my blog will have the first to witness "JUST MY 2 CENTS" first GIVEAWAY! YAY!!!
As you all know that I am a Vantel Pearls Demonstrator & I want to share my passion with everyone who loves pearls! So here is a picture of my giveaway & I wish good luck to everyone!
Giveaway ends on August 31, 2010!
To Enter:
1. Tell me what you think of pearls & if you own any.
2. Follow my blog.
3. Follow my Vantel Pearls Fan Page
4. Email me at pearladie@yahoo.com if your interested in being part of my customer list, being a hostess, or interested in learning more of this great opportunity.
5. Follow me on Twitter @TamiTyquiengco & RT "1st Giveaway at http://bit.ly/chDpWA Pls Rt & Good Luck!"
5. Follow me on Twitter @TamiTyquiengco & RT "1st Giveaway at http://bit.ly/chDpWA Pls Rt & Good Luck!"
6. Lastly, leave a comment on here that you entered.
Good luck to everyone & have a PEARLY DAY! It's JUST MY 2 CENTS!
My Work From Home Passion...
Okay, I know I shared an opportunity earlier in my post & now I want to share this opportunity that I am so passionate for. I am a Vantel Pearls Demonstrator & the company is name Vantel Pearls, but known as the "Pearl Parties!" This is alot of fun to do!
So now your wondering what is a "Pearl Party?" We are like home parties for example MaryKay, Pamper Chef, etc. But we don't bring cosmetics or cooking products. We bring real oysters with real pearls inside. That you choose, we open & clean, size & appraise, then you get to place this beautiful pearl in the jewelry you choose. We have a variety of rings, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, tie tacks, charms, & a lot ot choose from.
As a Hostess you get to open a oyster for "FREE" & place it on a jewelry peice for "FREE," then you get a percentage of your party total sales towards "FREE" jewelry & get a 1/2 on our online boutique. Plus, it don't stop there. If your friend books a party at your party, then you receive a $25 Gift Certificate. Now, if you have 4 friends, you get $100 in gift certificates. How awesome is that!
Now, if this is something you want to do as a business. Then you get to have a fabulous time in making money with this company. We have a great start package for $99 & a great Elegant Start Program to earn great prizes for accomplishing the goals in this company. Plus, with a 25-40% in commission is even a greater opportunity to be with this company.
I can't believe I found this company & I love every minute that I spend doing this business. Now this is where I can say I love my job & I love going to work & that is JUST MY 2 CENTS on this...
So now your wondering what is a "Pearl Party?" We are like home parties for example MaryKay, Pamper Chef, etc. But we don't bring cosmetics or cooking products. We bring real oysters with real pearls inside. That you choose, we open & clean, size & appraise, then you get to place this beautiful pearl in the jewelry you choose. We have a variety of rings, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, tie tacks, charms, & a lot ot choose from.

Life got a hold of me...
Wow, life can grab you just like that! I have been so busy with life & my family that I forgot to be constant on top of my blog. Since this is something new to me, I have to include this in my to-do list of the many things I need to do. Crazy, huh! You think being a wife & a mother is crazy enough? Just add a daily blog to it. But, when you sit it all down & look at it. It’s really simple, when you are sitting with your morning coffee or when the baby goes down for a nap, type away! Type away what is in your heart, mind, & soul? Think of it as therapy to the soul! Where you can be just you & vent on what is bothering you. Crazy, but it feels good to me! & with that is JUST MY 2 CENTS!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Just My 2 Cents on an Awesome Opportunity I want to share...
Hi, everyone! I am excited this morning & I wanted to share with everyone. I know that I only have 8 followers but, its better than having none, & I am grateful for you all. I just want to share something that my friend showed me & now I am hooked. You see, I have been on this whole work from home adventure & I am with numerous companies that I will share in my blog & link to it from here. But, I had found something that I think will benefit everyone.
It's called AshMax. It is a great opportunity & all you do is share it with people you know & who you will think will benefit from it. Of course, I thought of my readers. The task is that you share this opportunity with 5 people in 20 days, then when you do your in the system & then in a 100 days you should have generated an income of $23,000. Now, of course you think this is a scam. But, I checked & you can Google & its on Youtube, & it's real. You ask, if it's not a scam, how come everyone isn't doing? Well, everyone don't think like you & me. That is why they give you 20 days to get your 5, it eliminates between those who are serious & who are lazy. I think it makes sense & I am giving it a try. If it works, then I am $23,000 richer a month & if not, then atleast I gave it a shot, didn't give up, & followed thru.
So if anyone wants to learn more here is my blog site www.get5andretire.blogspot.com & if your ready to learn more here is my link http://www.ttyquiengco.ws
"Where will you be in 100 days?" - http://www.ttyquiengco.ws & thats JUST MY 2 CENTS!
It's called AshMax. It is a great opportunity & all you do is share it with people you know & who you will think will benefit from it. Of course, I thought of my readers. The task is that you share this opportunity with 5 people in 20 days, then when you do your in the system & then in a 100 days you should have generated an income of $23,000. Now, of course you think this is a scam. But, I checked & you can Google & its on Youtube, & it's real. You ask, if it's not a scam, how come everyone isn't doing? Well, everyone don't think like you & me. That is why they give you 20 days to get your 5, it eliminates between those who are serious & who are lazy. I think it makes sense & I am giving it a try. If it works, then I am $23,000 richer a month & if not, then atleast I gave it a shot, didn't give up, & followed thru.
So if anyone wants to learn more here is my blog site www.get5andretire.blogspot.com & if your ready to learn more here is my link http://www.ttyquiengco.ws
"Where will you be in 100 days?" - http://www.ttyquiengco.ws & thats JUST MY 2 CENTS!
AshMax Opportunity,
make money,
work from home
Shark Steam Mop...Just My 2 Cents on this!
Are you ever up late at night watching those famous infomercial that will in trance you with their products or gimmicks? Well, I am one of those late night watchers! I love channel surfing to see what product is new out there. So I got hooked on watching the Shark infomercials and I was fascinated on their products. The one that I love is the Shark Steam Mop. I love that I don't have to use harsh cleaners that will harm my family, especially my 2 year old daughter. Just pour water in the mop, pump a couple of times, watch the steam come out, & then mop the dirt away. Then feel the cleanness of your nice floors. It may all sound so nice & dandy. But, in my experience it’s not!
Well, since my husband came home for deployment I kept raving that I want this certain item. So one day we were walking in a department store & my husband spotted the steam mop. I was surprised to see it sold in stores, when the infomercial said "not sold in stores." Well, my husband bought for me & I was so excited & couldn't wait to hurry home & clean everything...LOL
To make a long story short, my excitement for this item was short lived. My steam mop didn't last long & was very dissapointed to find out that if your water is hard, you can't use it on this item. That it has to be soft water or none available filtered water, or bottled water. Okay, I like this item but I am not going to sacrifice my filtered drinking water or bottled water that my family uses to put into a machine to clean my floors. I rather go purchase an environmentally safe cleaning product if I want it safe for my family.
Then, when I called the Hotline for problems, I get a guy who sounds like his from India. Now, I don't have any problem with other culture. But, why do I have to talk to a guy from India, when I purchased this item in the US? Now, the guy was nice on the phone & I know he was doing his job. But, after a constant going over the instructions on how to fix my item & after I constantly tell him "I did that already." He then suggested that I need to have in sent in for service. So I am thinking finally, we are getting somewhere! Then he drops that there will be a fee of so & so amount, don't remember how much because I was shocked. I then politely replied, "Why do I have to pay for it to be service when it’s still under the warranty and all?" Then he goes on and on about the cost & all that stuff. So by that time, I was losing my cool. With patience running thin, I refused the service and thanked him for his customer service. Then all of a sudden he panics! Saying he will talk with his boss & get things straighten out for me because he wants to provide a good service. Again, I politely refused & continue to thank him, but still this guy won't stop. So with one last attempt but with a firm tone, I refused the service & I asked him to please stop asking & thanked him for his service. Boy his tuned changed & said, "Your welcome!" & hung up! Boy did that pissed me off!
I know I tried to not make it long, but I got carried away. To be honest, I love this item, but it will be awhile for me to make another purchase from them, even though I like their new Shark Navigator Vacuum. But, if I have to deal with that kind of customer service, it will be for awhile or when I see a good deal to pass up & with that it’s JUST MY 2 CENTS!
Well, since my husband came home for deployment I kept raving that I want this certain item. So one day we were walking in a department store & my husband spotted the steam mop. I was surprised to see it sold in stores, when the infomercial said "not sold in stores." Well, my husband bought for me & I was so excited & couldn't wait to hurry home & clean everything...LOL
To make a long story short, my excitement for this item was short lived. My steam mop didn't last long & was very dissapointed to find out that if your water is hard, you can't use it on this item. That it has to be soft water or none available filtered water, or bottled water. Okay, I like this item but I am not going to sacrifice my filtered drinking water or bottled water that my family uses to put into a machine to clean my floors. I rather go purchase an environmentally safe cleaning product if I want it safe for my family.
Then, when I called the Hotline for problems, I get a guy who sounds like his from India. Now, I don't have any problem with other culture. But, why do I have to talk to a guy from India, when I purchased this item in the US? Now, the guy was nice on the phone & I know he was doing his job. But, after a constant going over the instructions on how to fix my item & after I constantly tell him "I did that already." He then suggested that I need to have in sent in for service. So I am thinking finally, we are getting somewhere! Then he drops that there will be a fee of so & so amount, don't remember how much because I was shocked. I then politely replied, "Why do I have to pay for it to be service when it’s still under the warranty and all?" Then he goes on and on about the cost & all that stuff. So by that time, I was losing my cool. With patience running thin, I refused the service and thanked him for his customer service. Then all of a sudden he panics! Saying he will talk with his boss & get things straighten out for me because he wants to provide a good service. Again, I politely refused & continue to thank him, but still this guy won't stop. So with one last attempt but with a firm tone, I refused the service & I asked him to please stop asking & thanked him for his service. Boy his tuned changed & said, "Your welcome!" & hung up! Boy did that pissed me off!
I know I tried to not make it long, but I got carried away. To be honest, I love this item, but it will be awhile for me to make another purchase from them, even though I like their new Shark Navigator Vacuum. But, if I have to deal with that kind of customer service, it will be for awhile or when I see a good deal to pass up & with that it’s JUST MY 2 CENTS!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
My Full-Time Job...
I already have a full-time that is 24/7, no pay, no vacations and the job is being a MOM! Yep, it’s a job that I know that I won’t get fired and I love it. My employees are my 4 daughters, Jalanie 17, Frankel 15, Taylr 11, and Tristiny 2. My pay is their achievements, their smiles, their hugs, and their love. But the biggest pay is when they come to me with their problems and they say, “Mom, we need to talk” or “Mom, I need to talk with you.” I love that my girls can come to me and share what is on their minds. I always wanted that for them to have a relationship with me. I didn’t have much with my mom, until I had my girls and even that I am grateful to have. I love my mom and even though we had our ups and downs in the past, I am blessed to have her in my life and in my daughter’s lives.
So moms out there love your children and give them your all. Because in return, they will give it all back and then some.
My birthday is coming up and my children asked me what I want for my birthday, I just said my family and I already have them. And with that it’s JUST MY 2 CENTS…
So moms out there love your children and give them your all. Because in return, they will give it all back and then some.
My birthday is coming up and my children asked me what I want for my birthday, I just said my family and I already have them. And with that it’s JUST MY 2 CENTS…
Just My 2 Cents…on Reality Shows
Sometimes when I sit and watch these shows with my daughters…I wonder what now. What could TV do now that will engrossed my daughters into sitting down and wasting their time watching garbage? You sit and watch a bunch of girls who are living in a beautiful house and don’t have to pay rent or anything & live life with the camera watching them 24/7. Next thing you know, they are cussing like a truck driver and acting like they can take on the world by themselves. Getting all dressed up in barely any clothes, going to bars, drinking, grinding strangers, then getting drunk, and starting fights. I sit because I am shocked by their actions, but yet fascinated by what is coming next. Then I stop and see my daughters watching this and I ask myself do I want them to watch these girls do what they do and think that it is alright to do it. But, I take it as a cue to talk with them about it and see what they think.
As a mom, you want your girls (especially girls) to live right, be good, and cause no trouble. Well, I was surprised on their answers. They think that the girls are selfish and seeing them drink and behave like that is something that they don’t want to be. They said, “Mom, I don’t want people to see me like that and when they see me after, I don’t want to be that girl who got drunk at so and so bar.”
Can you say “I am so PROUD?” No mom could ever be so proud. I continue to talk with them about the show and when I see them in trance with the events on the show and hear their opinions. I know that I am proud of them, but I know that they aren’t perfect even though I want them to be. But, I love them as I know that the parents of the girls on the show love them in their own way on their behavior.
All in all…Reality shows can be a plus and a negative, it just depends on what Reality Show you’re watching and how you take it and perceive from it. I don’t think I will stop watching Reality Shows, but I know that I can use them as life lessons for my girls and myself and that’s JUST MY 2 CENTS!
As a mom, you want your girls (especially girls) to live right, be good, and cause no trouble. Well, I was surprised on their answers. They think that the girls are selfish and seeing them drink and behave like that is something that they don’t want to be. They said, “Mom, I don’t want people to see me like that and when they see me after, I don’t want to be that girl who got drunk at so and so bar.”
Can you say “I am so PROUD?” No mom could ever be so proud. I continue to talk with them about the show and when I see them in trance with the events on the show and hear their opinions. I know that I am proud of them, but I know that they aren’t perfect even though I want them to be. But, I love them as I know that the parents of the girls on the show love them in their own way on their behavior.
All in all…Reality shows can be a plus and a negative, it just depends on what Reality Show you’re watching and how you take it and perceive from it. I don’t think I will stop watching Reality Shows, but I know that I can use them as life lessons for my girls and myself and that’s JUST MY 2 CENTS!
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